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Nostalgic food items from childhood we miss today

We all know that the ’90s was the time when everything used to be great. The 1990s  and 2000s were by far the best, greatest decades, as far as the millennials are concerned at least. Contrary to the older and the newer generations, the ’90s babies grew up with the touch of new technology amid the old, vintage culture. They got best of both worlds. There is no denying that this generation brought many great songs, clothes and toys. And the same goes for some food, snacks and sweets we ate as well, which are all now nostalgic in nature.

Back in those days, going out with friends for smallest of toffees and food were the joy of our childhood. And anything that was neon-colored like a glow stick or a really awesome snack was a must. There was no reason but, it made you cool. But the essence of childhood has been lost somewhere. So, this International Children’s Day, we have prepared a list of some nostalgic food items that we all used to love as children and will surely bring out the inner child in you.

So, you all must remember the candies or toffees:

Candies or toffees were probably the most memorable thing from our childhood. Each and every child loved candies specially white rabbits, orange and blackball, lacto, etc. These candies were like the king of all the candies in our childhood times. And to get these chocolates from friends on their birthday, meant you were special. These candies used to cost only one rupee for three to four candies. And everyone used to collect even the wrappers to get one free candy.

To be honest, these small chewy toffees and flavored candies were my personal favorite. Especially the orange and black balls; they were the best thing that ever happened to me in my childhood. But those days are long gone. Sadly, their manufacture has stopped over the years. Nevertheless, you can still find a white rabbit and a lacto at the old candies shop but it may cost you two rupees for one candy.

Another nostalgic food must be crackers and cookies:

Crackers and cookies have always been our favorite snacks. Peanut cookies and puffed crackers were the best snacks in our childhood. A big disk of cookie used to be enough for one. The puffed crackers were sold in transparent or labeled packaging, but it never mattered to us. And on some days, packed cream and chocolate biscuits used to be our whole lunch.

Peanut cookies

Peanut Cookies. Photo: Smriti Thapa

These cookies and biscuits can be still found in any normal department stores. It will normally cost you NRs 25 to 50. But it cannot be said the same for the crackers. some of these transparent packed crackers are hard to find since they are being replaced by Indian chips and crackers. Despite this, you can still find this packed snack at your local Nepali store.

Next is the icicles or ice-creams:

On those summer days, eating cold icicles or ice-creams or kulfis like a routine in our childhood. It was the first thing in every kids to-do list after school is over. Back in those days, we used to collect our pocket money just to buy these icicles. They used to come in different flavors like mango, khuwa, and chocolate. Sponge ice cream is also another sweet preferred by kids in those days.

Unlike some toffees, you can still definitely find this such kulfi or popsicle in stalls or normal ice cream shops, mainly in the summer season. So, you can easily purchase these and they will only cost you from 10 to 30 rupees.

Surely noodles and cheese balls are other nostalgic food:

Growing up as a child, eating raw noodles was always like a trend for us. There are many types of noodles, including ramen. But those especially small packed uncooked noodles of ‘Mama Chaw Chaw’ were the real deal. It came with all the spices mixed in the packet and it cost only NRs three to five for three packs. And these nostalgic food used to leave my hands all in spice and colors, yet I never stopped eating them. And I’m sure it’s true for many of you too.

Other packet snacks like cheese balls and Tictic (onion sticks) were also a good option for side lunch. You can easily find cheese balls in any normal shops but it’s not the same for Tictic or Mama noodles. Back in those days, ten rupees was enough to purchase one pack. But now, it will cost you about NRs 20 to 30.

And how can we forget titauras:

Nostalgic foods to bring out your inner child.-titauras

If you are a 90’s kid, then most definitively have tried titauras. They were sweet, sour, salty, spicy or a mixture of all those made from fruits like Lapsi (hog plums). Every 90’s kid loved this and would collect all their pocket money only to spend it on titauras. It was particularly famous among girls.

Most definitely, you can still find these in any small, sweet stalls and will cost you NRs 20 to 30. There are lemon, lapsi, imli, mango, amla come in different varieties in different flavors like sweet, salty, spicy, dried, gooey etc. Titauras come from different parts of Kathmandu, and in many villages of Kathmandu. Eating this is a definite mood lifter and a straight trip to memory lane.

Apart from the nostalgic food listed above, other snacks like spicy packet fish and sweet fruit drinks were also a part of our childhood. What were your favorite childhood food memories? Did you like any of the items above? Is there any memory linked with these foods?

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